Lady Gaga has announced that she will make her South by Southwest debut on March 13. The pop star is set to headline a Doritos-sponsored event at Stubb’s barbeque, and she intends to donate the proceeds she’ll be paid for the performance to the Born This Way Foundation, her non-profit organization that combats bullying and works toward creating a “kinder, braver world.”
In keeping with the Foundation’s mission of encouraging bravery, Gaga announced a competition whereby people who “share a picture or video that expresses their individuality through a bold action,” using the hashtags #BoldBravery and #BoldStage and uploading it to Twitter, Instagram or Vine, will have the chance to win tickets to the show at the renowned Austin music festival.
“There are personal brave moments when you face one person, and brave moments that help change the world, when you face many,” Lady Gaga told Rolling Stone. “Whether I’m fighting for equal rights with Born This Way or fighting for creativity and art with ARTPOP, I’m always aware of the many I will face in opposition. With ARTPOP, I hope to inspire the audience at SXSW to cherish their individual talents.”
The “Applause” singer added that performing at Stubb’s will be a real “blast from the past” because she used to play at the renowned Texas barbeque joint “with a Bud Light and a bikini” before she became famous.